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Starers - Nathan Robinson This book was a bit out of my usual spectrum of genres (usual being mostly mindless crap with a sprinkling of amazing). With that being said, I truly enjoyed reading this. I was hooked from the beginning and had to constantly force myself not to skip ahead just to calm my anxious self down. The pace was perfect and the story well-balanced. The author didn't doddle on the little things too much or overexpose the big things.

The descriptions of events and settings were often great, with only crossing into the realm of "too much" on occasion. Overall, this was a great story. I only wish it kept going, but that is purely selfish and in no way suggests the story is lacking anything in the end. In fact, despite my itch for more, I think it ended perfectly. Stories reach a point where they could easily continue but would inevitably start thinning and declining in quality. This ending finds a nice balance between yearning for more and letting your imagination take over (which really is essential to anything psychological and scary).